Wednesday, May 8, 2013



5 tips to remember

     1.Approach the ball a little less than 90 degrees
     2.Hit the ball with your foot
     3.Hit the outside-center ball to get spin on it
     4.Lean your body during the strike to ensure that you do not have the sky shooting
     5.Shorten your follow-up for recovery

Originally created for this article about Famous freekick "Knuckle" Ronaldo. However, after seeing freekicks superbly consistent Lionel Messi this season one, has decided to take my more carefully in the best player in the world. Four freekicks have already scored in the 2012/13 season, this article was a must to give an in depth look at the technology itself, and how it does it. We are planting to this type of article, and often we can bring this guy went once or twice over the next few months .. Keep reading to learn more ...TrainingOn the eve of the ball and he was approached by police about 90 Translation from English. Lament it depends on the type of shots, lifting the player tries to punch. House for Messi, he approached the run-up to the English, but if the ball, and not as special as the spelled translation 90. You should be looking for the run-up similar to the image below. The run-up itself is controlled and allows legs Messi provides the power behind the strike, rather Empire From the moment of the approach.Messi now if you like your feet about 15 inches from the ball. As eagerly takes a free kick accurately and myself, it is abnormally small. For an ordinary strike, you should be looking at around 30 cm. Now the distance between the one atone that Messi has made it extremely Ora et labora-balanced, many people would struggle to correctly apply the technique when they put their feet so close to the ball and make sure therefore, you put in the way of approximately 25-30 cm away the ball. Foot is also directed to use these rankings except that the ball is to finish. Of course, the curve of the ball in the wall with this model, he went on foot pointing to use with the exception of the ball and is intended to eventually finish.ResultsWhere it gets interesting is now. Messi hits the ball with the foot part (indicated by a red spot on the photo below). Believe it or no, this is almost identical to use except Cristian Ronaldo hits the ball with these things for freekicks foot. Hit the ball and interpret it, instead of using the toe box, much the way the ball and power, and we'll talk about brick .. Unite with other factors that and you get a fatal swerving, dipping shots.Factors behind one of the most import-use it unless he hits the ball. Where it goes out of style Cristian Ronaldo fault. It is quite commonly known to deflect the ball, and you hit the ny side of the ball to get the curve on the side. For Lionel Messi, honestly, it is left to foot, then it will always hit the ball on the left side, right footers just swaps Neath the rounds. See the image below for proof (red blob is the strike zone). Hit the ball any further lead to strikes scratched, try to remember the board ny It is also written, and if the rent you're struggling for well connected with the ball, and hit near the center.

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